Connect to the machine.
Download the required files.
Login to oracle support.
Open doc PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) Home Page (Doc ID 1641843.2)
Click on “” and download the shell script.
Open the shell script and modify the highlighted parameters.
Now, go back to the cloud machine and create the following folders
Navigate to scripts folder and create a file
sudo vi
Press i and paste the contents of the which we have downloaded and modified earlier.
Press ‘Esc’ button and type :wq and hit return
Now change the mode of the file so that it can be executed.
We can see that executable mode is not present. So type the following command.
sudo chmod 777
Now, execute the shell script
You can open another session to monitor the downloads.
Download will take some time.
Once download is over, navigate to DPK_INSTALL folder and unzip the first zip file.
sudo unzip
Now navigate to DPK_INSTALL/setup
Change the mode of to executable.
sudo chmod 777
Now execute the script
sudo ./
Enter Y
Enter the base directory - /home/psft
It will now prompt for a list of questions. Enter them as per your requirement.
Enter N
Enter y
The script will continue for some time and will fail.
This is a delivered bug, To resolve this we need to mount the /tmp with exec options.
View file, /etc/fstab
cat /etc/fstab
Add the following line to the file.
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,exec
After modifying the file should look like this.
Type the following commands.
sudo mount -o remount,rw,exec,nosuid /tmp
sudo mount -a
To verify the changes, type mount
Now, continue with the installation
cd /etc/puppet/manifests
sudo puppet apply site.pp --debug --trace
The process will fail during installation of tuxedo with error - Checking Swap Sapce: 0 MB available, 500 MB required. Failed
This error will occur with vm instances running on cloud, because by default swap space is not allocated. This should not be the issue with on-premise OS.
To resolve this issue
Check the swap space.
Check the swap space.
We can see that there is no free swap space.
We will now allocate swap space.
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile -f
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo swapon -s
Check the free space again.
2GB swap space has been allocated.
Resume the installation.
Resume the installation.
Once finished, login with user psadm2 and view the services that are running. For the first time, it will prompt to change your password.
cd $PS_HOME/appserv
psadmin -c sstatus -d APPDOM (application server status)
psadmin -p sstatus -d PRCSDOM (Process Scheduler Status)
psadmin -w sstatus -d peoplesoft
We can see that all the services have been started.
In the next and final part we will see how to open the PIA and database ports so that both of them can be accessed over the internet.
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